Monday, December 23, 2019

Disaster, Characteristics And Management Stages Essay

Disaster Characteristics and Management Stages The purpose of this paper is to examine a recent natural disaster. The number of natural disasters has risen dramatically in the past two decades. Natural disasters are increasing exponentially and creating expanding amounts of destruction each year. A recent natural disaster to examine is the flooding in Louisiana August 2016. This paper will discuss the type of disaster, characteristics of the disaster, and the application of disaster management stages. Current Natural Disaster The morning of August 13th, Baton Rouge and much of southern Louisiana were devastated by extreme flooding after 20 inches of rain hit the area in a 48 hour period. Rescue teams are calling it the worst natural disaster to strike the United States since Superstorm Sandy. This flood has damaged 60,000 homes, leaving an estimated 30,000 people displaced from their homes (CNN, 2016). The federal government declared this a major disaster killing at least 13 people, flooding thousands of homes, and prompting thousands of water rescues (The Weather Channel, 2016). Type of Disaster There are three different types of disasters, man-made, natural, or a combination of both (Nies McEwen, 2015). The flooding in Louisiana was a natural disaster. Unfortunately, in the past ten years there has been a dramatic increase in the frequency and intensity of natural weather-related disasters (Veenema et al., 2016). Flooding is most common in the UnitedShow MoreRelatedDisaster Characteristics And Management Stages Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesDisaster Characteristics and Management Stages A disaster is defined as a natural or man-made incident in which the degree of destruction, death or injury overwhelms the community, exhausts the available resources and decreases the community’s ability to respond (Nies McEwen, 2015). The frequency of natural disasters in on the rise. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse Free Essays

string(156) " shift the focus of his attention from one thing to another, ability to recall events, and ability to form memories \(National Institute on Drug Abuse 3\)\." Marijuana, a milder hallucinogen than LSD, comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which originates in Central Asia but is now grown in most parts of the world. It is also known by such names as pot, grass, reefer, weed, and herb. It has for its active ingredient the mind altering substance called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Legalizing Marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse or any similar topic only for you Order Now The use of marijuana has been the subject of much debate and controversy in the past. Young people are drawn to it, musicians, movie stars and rock stars endorse it discreetly, and the general population as a whole is divided over whether it is good or bad for people, and whether it should be legalized or not. A website devoted exclusively to marijuana use recently ran an article weighing the pros and cons of legalizing it, and came up with the conclusion that legalizing has several economic benefits, and brings with it the ability of government to properly regulate its use (Shalom). This essay takes the latter position, and argues against the legalization of marijuana because of its overall ill health and social effects. Effects of Marijuana The physical effects of marijuana include increases in pulse rate and blood pressure, reddening of the eyes, coughing and dryness of the mouth. Psychological effects include a mixture of excitatory, depressive and hallucinatory characteristics, making the drug difficult to classify. The drug can produce spontaneous and unrelated ideas; perceptions of time and place can be distorted; verbal behavior may increase or cease to occur at all; and sensitivity to sound and colors might increase. Marijuana can also impair attention and memory, which suggests that smoking marijuana is not conducive to optimal school performance. When marijuana is used daily in heavy amounts, it also can impair the human reproductive system and may be involved in some birth defects. (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). Statistics on the issue A lot of action has been presented to legalize the use of marijuana and it has been drawing a lot of attention lately. There are already twelve states in the U.S. where it’s legal for medicinal purposes. Much of the American public now believes that the drug should be legalized but others are still concerned about health damage and other unfortunate side affects, not to mention moral concerns. One of the consequences of marijuana legalization would be a large increase in drug users. Right now, drug users have a fear of law enforcement agents, but if marijuana was legalized, they no longer would have fear and would feel that it will be all right to use marijuana. Over twenty years ago, estimates of drug use among Americans was as high as 24 million, but it is now estimated to be as low as 11 million.   In 1993, Americans spent $49 billion on illegal drugs, down from the 1988 figure of $64 billion.  Ã‚   This decline does not mean a decrease in the use of marijuana but an increase of officers on the streets and drug awareness programs. Crackdowns being a geographically focused drug raid will only limit drug use for a time but not completely eradicate it. According to Walker, this strategy of deploying police officers in streets to catch drug users and dealers and street gangs, merely displace drugs activity to change the place of drug use. When the Violent Crime Act of 1994 was implemented, government allocated a budget to deploy additional 100,000 policemen in streets. One famous crackdown is the Operation Pressure Point in New York that for a time scared drug users away. However, in the long-term, crackdowns are not proven to be effective to totally stop drug selling and drug use despite police concentration. Eventually, the former drug suppliers and dealers were just replaced by some other persons to continue the drug activity. Even New York City police attest that the OPP may have put drug operatives in jail, but it was not an assurance that there will be no other persons to replace them. Interdiction or the process of inhibiting the flow and entry of drugs, and eradication or the process of reducing drug plants production are two methods that are seemingly out weighted by the fact that drugs is a growing international market despite huge efforts to stop its production and entry to certain territories. Walker the author has found that despite interdiction campaigns, illegal drugs that entered the country have increased significantly from 1987 to 1991. Marijuana and coca leaf production rose by almost 50% and 33% respectively. The author attributed the failure to the large border that the enforcement agencies have to guard, making it possible for drug traffickers to mutually adapt with the enforcement measures easily by putting up new entry points, and the organized mafia that supports the drug trade. Whether we like it or not, the drug market despite its being underground has been continuously expanding in both international and domestic level. The problem is, the drug users, as well as pushers are just a small part of the problem on drugs production. The real problem of the drug fight is the large mafia, and big people that benefit most from the drug economy. Interdiction and eradication efforts are doomed to fail when the major actors such as the plant owners and drug traders are not properly apprehended, together with some government allies. Marijuana is said to be the most used illegal drug in the United States, with 40 percent or 94 million of Americans aged 12 years or older having tried it at least once, and adolescents and teenagers in particular being particularly vulnerable to abusing the drug (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1, citing the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health). Other Health and Social Effects The ill health effects of marijuana have been well-documented. Heavy use of marijuana has been directly linked to the impairment of a person’s ability to shift the focus of his attention from one thing to another, ability to recall events, and ability to form memories (National Institute on Drug Abuse 3). You read "Legalizing Marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse" in category "Essay examples" Marijuana is also said to impair balance, posture, coordination of movement and reaction time, because THC affects the proper functioning of the parts of the brain responsible for those functions (National Institute on Drug Abuse 4). Such ill effects are said to be precursors of accidents. Another ill effect of marijuana use is its link to difficulty in quitting tobacco smoking. Still another ill health effect is the predisposition of marijuana smokers to the same health problems that plague tobacco smokers such as chest illnesses, daily, cough and phlegm, obstructed airways, lung infections, and cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract (National Institute on Drug Abuse 4). The heightened risks are said to be the result of marijuana smoke containing 50 to 70 percent more carcinogens than regular tobacco smoke, and because THC is said to impair the immune function thus, making smokers more susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases (National Institute on Drug Abuse 5). Also, marijuana smoking has also been linked to an up to a four-fold increase in the risk of having a heart attack within an hour of smoking it (National Institute on Drug Abuse 5). The ill social effects of smoking marijuana are also varied and grave. Student smokers are said to perform more poorly than other students, while workers who smoke marijuana are said to have more problems with work performance (National Institute on Drug Abuse 5). Ill emotional and psychological effects such as depression, anxiety, and personality disturbances spill over into poor ability to acquire job and social skills, poor ability to cope with emotional problems because of poor problem solving and emotional skills, and lower levels of satisfaction with life in general (National Institute on Drug Abuse 5-6) An increase in drug use will result in an increase in drug related crimes if drugs are legalized. Supporters of drug legalization believe that crime and violence would decrease if drug use became legal. Statistics tell us that almost half of those arrested for committing a crime test positive for the use of drugs at the time of their arrest.   Marijuana’s effects cause memory loss, trouble with problem-solving, loss of motor skills and an increase in heart rate, panic attacks and anxiety. Marijuana weakens the body’s immune system, which could further complicate any future recovery from a serious medical condition.   Young adults observing or knowing adults who are smoking marijuana for medicinal purposes sends a misleading message. Legalization supporters claim that marijuana significantly lessens pain and relieves nausea resulting from serious diseases. However, anti-drug groups think that legalizing marijuana for medical use is merely an ulterior motive designed to gain access to a dangerous substance. Use of Marijuana in some states In some states marijuana use is legal already for medicinal purposes.   According to the NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), twelve states have legalized or decriminalized the medical use of marijuana in some manner. Since 1996, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have passed legislation that removes state-level penalties from marijuana use by patients who have a doctor’s recommendation. Moreover, Maryland passed a medical marijuana affirmative defense law in 2003. This states that if a person is arrested for marijuana use but is found to be using marijuana out of medical necessity, even if at the time of use they did not have a doctor’s recommendation, he/she will only face a small fine. These state laws specify that marijuana can be used to treat diseases such as arthritis, cancer, chronic nervous system disorders, chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other muscle spasticity disorders, and help patients cope with severe migraines, severe nausea, and the side effects of chemotherapy. The requirements for patients and doctors to be protected by these laws vary from state to state. The U.S. government has challenged the California law in several cases. Federal law does not recognize a medical use for marijuana and maintains that the drug is a controlled and a banned substance under all circumstances. Mandatory Drug Testing in Schools The main purpose of mandatory drug testing in school is not to expose and expel those whose results are positive. This method is done only to ensure the health and academic performance of each individual student. Those who have been found with positive results are assisted by the school counselor and are enrolled in a drug-education program. This would better help the student to alleviate his drug dependency and so that he may perform better academically. Also with the information that as much as 23% of American drug dependents are teenagers and perhaps in school, this could directly affect the entire school population. Peer pressure is the one of the primary causes of drug dependency. Without mitigation from the administration, drug dependency among the students would undoubtedly rise. Another cause for concern is that substances such as stimulants induce violence and aggression. This would mean that the well-being of the whole school population could be jeopardized. Therefore, mandatory drug testing is the most effective way not only to prevent drug-dependent students from harming themselves but also to prevent violence and harm to the public. Implementing it in schools in the swiftest time possible would efficiently prevent and reduce the number of drug use among the American student population. (What You Need to Know About Drug Testing in School). In sum, legalizing marijuana could potentially lead to more crime and more drug addicts. It also is sending the wrong message to our young people.   Giving young people the impression that drugs are okay is setting a bad example.   If young kids believe that marijuana use is not any more serious than smoking a cigarette, this could lead to serious circumstances and habits for them in the future. Conclusion Adolescents in virtually every era have been risk takers, testing limits and making shortsighted judgments.   Today, the consequences of choosing a course of risk-taking are possibly more serious than they have ever been. Indeed, marijuana must not be legalized, lest we want our children to be dependent on them and ruining their lives over the long haul. Sources Internet 1)    NORML   (National Organization for the Reform of   Marijuana Laws) 2) National Institute on Drug Abuse. â€Å"Marijuana Abuse: Research Report Series†. July 2005. Retrieved November 10, 2006 ;;. Magazine 1) Time Magazine â€Å"Is America Going to Pot?†Ã‚   (issue: November 4th, 2002) 2) Newsweek magazine â€Å"The War Over Weed† (issue: March 16, 1998) How to cite Legalizing Marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Purpose For Admission In Audencia Business -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Purpose For Admission In Audencia Business? Answer: Introducation I have completed B.E. Electronics and Communication from R.M.D. Engineering College in Chennai as well an almost two years of work experience in Tata Consultancy Services. I would love to take an interest in using this knowledge in doing my Masters in Supply Chain Management from Audencia Business School in France. This will help me in gathering knowledge about the technical knowhow along with the practical information that I require in the process of achieving my career goal. However, this would require necessary research along with experience in the real applications followed by deeper understanding about the subject. I have spent my undergraduate days in R.M.D. Engineering College, Chennai. My college education has helped me in having a firm grasps and sound knowledge about the business research, operation and marketing management along with equipping me with necessary fundamentals for a graduate course. During my undergraduate academic course, I received the chance of pursuing a project based on Satellite Multispectral Image Enhancement under NSCT Domain. Through the project, I was able to get insight on the fusion of Satellite Pan and various other Multispectral images at a pixel level. The images were based on the domain of Non Sub sampled Contourlet Transformation (NSCT). This also involved the division of the primary band into various subs bands and the application of the NSCT transformation for enhancing the sub brands. The sub bands then underwent fusion at a pixel level for obtaining the desired result. The project also helped in developing an idea about Mat Lab, a programming language fo r plotting data and functions, matrix manipulation and implementation. The twenty-three months old journey in my first job in Indias biggest software services providing Multinational Corporation (MNC) have taught me to learn newer things along with facing the newer challenges of the corporate world. I have also had the chance of working with various European clients like Telenor and TalkTalk Telecom. Initially, I had the task of analyzing requirements of the clients, accordingly prepare the Test cases, and see the systematic coordination between the various stakeholders. This helped in strengthening not only my technical expertise and honing my communications skills. My job has also taught me to communicate with onshore and offshore stakeholders in help in resolving and reporting issues. I also gathered experience of working 24/7 during incidents and have learnt the roles and responsibilities of different hierarchy during such crisis. Through my tenure in Tata Consultancy Services, I have not only gathered knowledge about the European Work culture but h ave also learnt from the onshore managers. I have also understood the use of Information Technology (IT) services in all the required fields thereby reducing manual work and improving efficiency and accuracy. My job experiences also helped me in appreciating understanding the importance of supply chain management and logistics. My dream has always been of becoming an Entrepreneur. However, I believe that the knowledge of industry supply chain is vital for ensuring success as an entrepreneur. Possession of good supply chain knowledge along with work experience and international exposure with help me in building a promising career. In addition to upgrading myself with new skill set, I am also a good team player that will act as an added advantage in upgrading my career. My experience in the software industry will also aid in uplifting my career. Since my college days, I have kept a track of my fathers business and have discovered certain interesting things like the role played by the supply chain from the ground level. However, I believe that a good business can turn into bad one with the lack of supply chain efficiency. Supply chain skills includes knowledge about logistics management, warehouse and procurement management. I therefore, wish to earn Master of Science in Supply Change Management from Audencia Business School of France and would follow up with a doctoral degree thereby pursuing career in development and research. Through research, I have found that the course offered by Audencia Business School compiled beautifully for helping me achieve a promising career. The course begins with the fundamentals in the first term followed by course on advanced supply chain and purchasing in the second term. The fascinating part of the program was the internship and dissertation. Around 26 percent industry professionals delivered the program. The institution has a triple accreditation including EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA and received recognition from the United Nations (UN) for adherence to the global compact of UN. Audecia Business School has also signed the UN principles for ensuring responsible management education. The Business School is recognized for the global careers of its graduates and holds a top ranking for MBA and other specialized programs. Moreover, the business school not only has a good reputation within France and Europe and has strong industrial tie up that will helps in getting jobs post the completion of the course. The business school also provides dedicated support for the international students. Audencia Business Schools is located in Nantes, one of the prominent locations of France. Nantes is known for catering one quarter of jobs in agri-industry and is the largest financial centre in France. I believe that my background will help in adding to the diversity of the classes offered by the business school. I am also eager to gain an exposure in the international and diverse group of the business school classmates along with getting an insight to the industries where they already worked. At the same time, I look forward to even sharing my own experience within such a vibrant classroom environment. Therefore, pursuing the course in Audencia Business School is not only a great pleasure but also an honor if provided a chance. Given an opportunity for pursuing my masters, I can give an assurance that my hard work would never fail to meet the expectations of the institution. I therefore hope that you will be able to find in me a credible and desirable student for the course. References: (2018).Quality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018]. (2018).EN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018]. Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. (2018).RMD ENGINEERING COLLEGE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018]. Smith, E.M., Nantes, A., Hogue, A. and Papas, I., 2017. Forecasting Customer Behaviour in Constrained E-Commerce Platforms. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (2018).Tata Consultancy Services | Technology, Digital Solutions, Consulting. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018].

Friday, November 29, 2019

traffic congestion Essay Example

traffic congestion Essay Introduction: Traffic congestion is a critical job which happens on roads which make traffic busy because roads full of autos and coachs. Traffic congestion challenges traffic flow in urban country and is prevented smooth traffic. A turning urban country creates complex jobs in day-to-day life with traffic. Congestion phenomenon s can non be terminated merely by using physical constructing such as: physique span, expresswaies and increasing route capacity. It is necessary to construct engineering system for transit direction which is used for control of the traffic phenomenon. Traffic control systems have direct influence on traffic jobs which is aid to better traffic flow and cut down traffic congestion. Normally, traffic jams are caused by many grounds such as incidents, works in roads, roads care. Approximately, traffic congestion occurs at peak times in the forenoon or eventide when people are going to work. In add-on, transit systems are one of the chief grounds doing traffic congestion in so me states. Traffic roads have a direct consequence on traffic jams which relate to little ways use or damaged ways ( Katathira et al, 1994 ) We will write a custom essay sample on traffic congestion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on traffic congestion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on traffic congestion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer First, when K. Macmillan invented the first autos had proper form and wooden frame in 1839 which included many types of advantages such as: gesture velocity ; comfort ; control ; economic system ; furniture and safety. The Automobiles industry became more popular and necessary for the life and it aimed to better auto s industrial design and make more autos by companies. In the terminal of eighteenth century, the first traffic congestion appeared on the old London Bridge which created a serious job. After that, the London authorities decided to happen manner out for this phenomenon which led to the innovation of control system to work out traffic congestion by put ining traffic visible radiations on the old London span. In add-on, the London authorities added another control system by spliting the London old span into two waies, one for vehicles and another for walkers ( Bellis, 1994 ) . Transportation system jobs have been studied by many research workers and many solutions have been proposed to work out it. Bettering transit includes many ways to better traffic public presentation in major metropoliss and expresswaies. The Government is responsible for bettering the efficiency of transit in metropoliss and main roads between metropoliss which cut down traffic jobs. Transportation obstruction has a clear influence on economic state of affairs and it causes increased in unrecorded cost. The purpose of this paper is to discuses the effects of control systems can cut down traffic congestion, energy ingestion and route incidents. It is of import to understand the nexus between traffic congestion and control systems. However, there are some solutions to diminish their negative effects. Background Traffic congestion, definition Traffic congestion is complex phenomenon which is related to a figure of autos on the route at the same times which is hinder gesture and necessitate excess clip to make finishs. In fact, traffic congestion is normally repeating or non repeating phenomenon. Always, repeating traffic congestion is appeared by day-to-day event in a certain times which is solved reorganize suited planning. On the other manus, not repeating traffic congestion is unexpected and unusual event cause by an incident which is all of a sudden reduced route capacity. In add-on, route capacity is one of the chief ground cause traffic congestion when the figure of autos on the route increases than the route capacity. ( Logi, 2001 ) Control system Control system is attack to rectify traffic phenomenons by using engineering, programming and tolls. In the terminal of eighteenth century, the first control system was applied in London by traffic visible radiation which was used to form traffic gesture on London old span. A turning in urban country promote authorities to contrive and use a new engineering has ability to cut down traffic jobs which is called traffic control system. The purpose of this subdivision is to depict consequence traffic congestion by traffic control system because traffic control system has direct influence on traffic jobs which is helped to better traffic flow and work out traffic jobs by use a figure of system factors such as: traffic visible radiations ; route pricing ; travel times ; gasolene revenue enhancement ; transit menu and velocity restriction. Literature reappraisal In malice of, the nexus between control systems and traffic congestion is of import ; there appear literature famine which is particularly in grounds of appropriate systems. Therefore, there is calculated and experimental grounds. As a consequence, the relationship between control system and traffic congestion was investigated in 1994 by Shefer which had divided volume over capacity ratio which was used to mensurate degree of traffic congestion. Then after, in1997 the relationship between traffic congestion and control system was studied by Shefer and Rietveld which is used sample hypothesis and supply experiment grounds by comparing traffic congestion degree when extremum hours the traffic congestion degree was less than extremum hours in normally yearss. Further survey, by Noland and Quddus in 2005 who was used nexus between traffic congestion and control system by utilizing spacial analysis manor in London. This survey achieves lower traffic congestion by using several types of co ntrol systems ( Wang et al, 2009 ) . Type of jobs The most type of job that is go oning in large metropoliss is traffic congestion. Traffic congestion has high impact on smooth traffic which cause calcium hydroxides lose, work chance and energy ingestion. However, traffic congestion has influenced in the metropolis live which become highly complicated and hard for life. The most common with traffic congestion are route accident and route capacity which can be blockage traffic flow in metropoliss or in state side for illustration in London congestion occur in some country non during peak clip ever during all twenty-four hours which cause clip loses and it become serious job which encourage the authoritiess to happen out solution for this phenomenon to diminish it and avoid many jobs relate with traffic congestion which can be make life smooth and unsophisticated. Transportation system challenges by traffic congestion which is importance to develop transit systems by utilizing new methods and utile engineering which can alleviated or decreased degree of congestion in urban country. Harmonizing to ( Logi, 2001 ) point out that traffic congestion is repeating and non repeating congestion which is appeared when traffic volume addition than route capacity in a certain times. Always, repeating traffic congestion connect with day-to-day event thought not repeating traffic congestion connect with unexpected event by route incident or route plants. This phenomenon has been studied by many research workers which aim to happen attacks or solution for traffic congestion.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Only A Girl...

Only a girl... In many books we are allowed to watch a child grow and mature in many different ways. In the story â€Å"Boys and Girls† by Alice Munro we watch as a young girl begins to mature into a young woman. We also get to experience life through her eyes and see how her perspective of things changes, many times to the dismay of the narrator. It seems as though things seem to change against her own will as she grows. Through the extensive description of setting, along with the use of the narrator’s point of view, we get a good idea of what life is like on her family’s fox farm in the 1950’s. The story opens with the narrator speaking about the life of her father, a fox farmer who sells the coats of foxes to trading companies and such. This leads to a rather interesting childhood for the oldest child of two. The narrator talks about how the smell of the fox furs in her basement feels like a sort of reassuring scent. This is something that makes her feel at home and secure, or as she likes to use as an example:† the smell of oranges and pine needles.† (365). The setting of a story is defined simply as â€Å"a time or place† (Beaty and Hunter 149). â€Å"Boys and Girls† includes just a few settings, mainly on the farmland, which was very likely based on her actual homeland. Munro spent her life on a farm in Ontario near Lake Huron, many of her stories are based upon her life experiences as a farm child, which would lead to the conclusion that this farm story is set in Ontario (A83-84). The narrator first tells us what makes her room so scary as a child. As a young girl, her brother and her had a fear of their dark bedroom. We get a taste of that fear in her description. When we read about the setting it almost brings us back to our childhood fears of not just the dark in particular, but what was in it. Imaginations run wild about who is hiding behind the old hardened linoleum, or what could pop out ... Free Essays on Only A Girl... Free Essays on Only A Girl... Only a girl... In many books we are allowed to watch a child grow and mature in many different ways. In the story â€Å"Boys and Girls† by Alice Munro we watch as a young girl begins to mature into a young woman. We also get to experience life through her eyes and see how her perspective of things changes, many times to the dismay of the narrator. It seems as though things seem to change against her own will as she grows. Through the extensive description of setting, along with the use of the narrator’s point of view, we get a good idea of what life is like on her family’s fox farm in the 1950’s. The story opens with the narrator speaking about the life of her father, a fox farmer who sells the coats of foxes to trading companies and such. This leads to a rather interesting childhood for the oldest child of two. The narrator talks about how the smell of the fox furs in her basement feels like a sort of reassuring scent. This is something that makes her feel at home and secure, or as she likes to use as an example:† the smell of oranges and pine needles.† (365). The setting of a story is defined simply as â€Å"a time or place† (Beaty and Hunter 149). â€Å"Boys and Girls† includes just a few settings, mainly on the farmland, which was very likely based on her actual homeland. Munro spent her life on a farm in Ontario near Lake Huron, many of her stories are based upon her life experiences as a farm child, which would lead to the conclusion that this farm story is set in Ontario (A83-84). The narrator first tells us what makes her room so scary as a child. As a young girl, her brother and her had a fear of their dark bedroom. We get a taste of that fear in her description. When we read about the setting it almost brings us back to our childhood fears of not just the dark in particular, but what was in it. Imaginations run wild about who is hiding behind the old hardened linoleum, or what could pop out ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Concrete perfomance in fire compared to other building materials Essay

Concrete perfomance in fire compared to other building materials - Essay Example al. 2006) The reason why concrete is the prime choice with regards to fire safety standards is because of its resistance and low conduction of heat. There have been numerous works performed that display this behavior of concrete to high temperatures (Kodur et. al 1997) and this paper aims to add to the pool of knowledge by comparing the performance of concrete with other building materials such as wood, aluminum and steel. This will be achieved by subjecting the four building materials in different setups and evaluating the performance of each material. The following characteristics will be measured: fire resistance, combustibility, fire load contribution, temperature, restorability and integrity after fire. Rating will be given for each of the construction material after the collation of the said parameters. That concrete leads in the said properties will be given evidence in this project. Timber or wood is known as one of the oldest construction materials known to man. It comes from felled trees and processed before utilization by cutting, strengthening and polishing to name a few steps. The most common trees that are used as timber are pine, cedar and hemlock. Fir and spruce also serve the same purpose as several hardwoods. The advantages of using wood include: flexibility, warmth, provides good insulation, safe, lightweight but strong and durable (Roadmap 2008). Disadvantages include: prone to rotting, termite and fire damage (Redmond 1971). Aluminum is a metal alloy in the form of iron, tin or copper and can be found abundantly in nature (Lauritzen 2008). It provides high strength to weight ratio. It also has good stress or fatigue resistance. The advantages of using aluminum in construction include flexibility, lightweight, formability, durability, low maintenance, good insulation and fire resistance (AFSA 2006). Steel is commonly made up of iron and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PDP (personal development plan) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PDP (personal development plan) - Assignment Example I have always been a very independent person who prefers to work autonomously in nearly all aspects of academics and professional life. However, with the advent of internal business auditing and external auditing consultants that continuously monitor business function and adherence to accepted accounting standards, I realised that team-working was a very strong deficiency at the personal level. Auditing systems designed to measure compliance require collaboration between accounting professionals, management and a variety of external servicepersons which prevents autonomous working. Diagnostically, I discovered through secondary research literature that many companies do not rotate their auditing teams, which builds familiarity with business professionals throughout the organisation and familiarises auditing servicepersons sustaining years of tenure with business operations, accounting procedures relevant for the business, and social relationship development.1 This will require freque nt interaction, communication and collaboration with a variety of business professionals that will expect contribution to discussion and mutual respect. This tends to conflict with my traditional need to work in segregation from others in the organisation. Developing my cooperative abilities, therefore, was established as my SMART goal since it is going to be a realistic part of the accounting environment when entering the workplace. I determined that the most appropriate goal was to ensure that I gained experience working with others by purposely engaging myself with team activities both in-school and in terms of extracurricular activities. I decided that I would begin attending study sessions and attempt working collaboratively with individuals at the Student Union in order to prepare myself for partnered study and building a sense of inter-dependency with diverse individuals maintaining unique viewpoints. This was the most practical and viable methodology of learning teamwork,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Environmental Factors Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Factors - Research Paper Example Marketing environment factors profoundly influence company's marketing operations. The paper attempts to explore various environmental factors such as free-trade Agreements, global demographic changes, increased competition, technological advances, legislative compliance that influence marketing decisions of General Motors (GM) in its domestic and international operations. Impact of Free-trade Agreements In 1994, the US entered into a Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada called NAFTA. Just in the prior year in 1993, GM exported only 1600 vehicles to Mexico but in 1999, gearing its marketing efforts, the company could export 52,000 vehicles to Mexico despite currency crisis in Mexico (The Trade Partnership, 2004). This demonstrates that GM could take advantage of free trade agreement to boost their sales. Demographics and Physical Infrastructure People’s behavior, characteristic, their growth trends will largely influence the demand of goods and it becomes extremely impo rtant for a company to know about demographic changes taking place locally and globally so that company can divert its marketing efforts to exploit these changes. Different countries have different population growth rates. Higher population growth rate in a country or region is likely to create higher demand for a product. China and India both have huge populations of over 120 billion with huge untapped market of passenger vehicles. Both have been growing at much higher GDP growth rates relative to world average. GM recognized this fact and directed its marketing efforts toward fastest growing automobile markets in the world. GM formed a joint venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Group (SAIC), China in 1997. The joint venture markets its most popular brands such as Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet and in 2010, it sold 1 million vehicles. China sales are rising at a record rate and in 2011 it touched over 1200,000 units. In order to harness full potential, GM has formed 11 jo int ventures in China and currently, GM is a leader among all automakers in China selling almost 2.5 million vehicles there. Saturated markets of Western Europe and many developed countries show either negative or near zero population growth rates and it is obvious that GM is not likely to achieve favorable results by any level of marketing efforts in that region (General Motors China, 2012). Legal/Political Environment Marketers need to understand the legal/political environment of the country before embarking on the business in an alien land. GM expanded into the countries such as China, India, and Russia for manufacturing and marketing their products only after when these countries liberalized in their bid to become market economies. No company would like to work in a hostile environment. Legal setup is equally important so that whenever required the company can approach an independent judicial system for a fair hearing and remedy. The company needs to follow local laws on enviro nment, on emission standards, corporate laws and the laws that are enforced by regulatory bodies in that country. That is why it becomes extremely important for the company to get fully acquainted about all applicable legal requirements of the country where it plans to market its products. This will also ascertain whether it is in the benefit of the company to operate there or not if the stringent laws may impede its growth. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977 and Social Responsibility The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Market segmentation and marketing mix of LG and SAMSUNG

Market segmentation and marketing mix of LG and SAMSUNG Definitions Market segmentation The dividing of all possible customers into groups based on their needs, age, income, education etc. (Cambridge Business Dictionary, n.d.) Marketing mix The combination of actions a company uses when selling a product or service. These are often described as the four Ps: Product, price, promotion and place. (Cambridge Business Dictionary n.d.) Aims This piece of work aims to analyse and assess the market segmentation and marketing mix characteristics of and potential for Samsung compared with LG. Due to the very broad market sectors and product ranges of both companies, this report will concentrate on the relatively new product sector of fitness monitors when considering both market segmentation and mix. Interest in these products has grown due to the availability of ‘wearable devices’ and the suitability of technology, particularly Smartphone apps, to assist in this pursuit. There has also been increased awareness and concerns about keeping fit and healthy. According to Vecchione (2012) the market for self-monitoring functions such as high blood pressure and blood glucose levels using wireless wearable devices is growing faster than Telehealth (the official NHS version of technology to monitor patients remotely in their own homes). The proportion of wireless devices used to monitor health conditions is predicted to increase from a low level of 5% in 2011 to as high as 80% by 2016 (Ibid), with the resulting readings being stored and analysed on smart phones. Company background An Introduction to Samsung Samsung was founded in Suwon, Korea in 1969. Its vision 2020 is stated as being â€Å"Inspire the world, create the future† (Samsung website, n.d.) Samsung Electronics is a global leader in semiconductors, telecommunications and digital media technologies with sales of 143.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2011 and 221,730 employees spread across 72 countries (Ibid.) Samsung has been the worlds largest television manufacturer since 2006 and is the worlds largest producer of LCD panels. The company also has the greatest share of the global market for memory chips. With the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy S mobile, the company has taken the lead in global sales figures for smart phones as of 2013. Samsung has also established a prominent position in the tablet computer market with the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab offering strong competition against the iPad from Apple. The headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. are situated in Suwon, South Korea and this is also the flagship company of the Samsung Group. In 2013 the president of Samsung Electronics was Boo Keun Yoon; and the goals of the company encompassed both quantitative ($400billion global sales and number one spot in the global IT industry); and qualitative (design products that enrich people’s lives and contribute to a socially responsible future). This is a real sign of the times as organizations increasingly have to demonstrate corporate responsibility and contribution to social or shared value, i.e. doing well by doing good; an approach which can provide additional competitive advantage (Kramer, 2011). Roy (2013) explains this further as being the next stage of business thinking, embedding contributions to wider society as an integral part of corporate strategy. Samsung operates in Western Europe, the Far East, and the United States; increasing its share of the mobile phone market in Western Europe over the past three years at the expense of companies such as Apple and Nokia. In 2011, for example, Samsung had only a 14% market share in Western Europe (compared with Apple at 21% Nokia at 20%). By 2013, Samsung’s had increased its share of the Western European market to 45%; Apple’s share dropping to 20%, and Nokia’s market share plummeted to just 5%. Other competitors including Blackberry fared even worse, losing practically its 17% market share to Samsung and Apple. HTC’s Android smart phones also struggle to compete with the two market giants, especially Samsung, who managed to generate more income than Apple in 2013 (please see Figure 1 below). Figure 1 – Samsung and Apple profits 2011-2013 ($ billion) Source: Statista Thirteen Samsung products have held the number one spot for market share including televisions, semi-conductors (the first product which the firm originally manufactured) and mobile phones (Samsung, n.d.) Samsung is continuing to research and develop new innovative products such as LCDs and semi-conductors. An introduction to LG There is some resonance in the LG story compared with Samsung: LG is also a Korean company and it too was founded about half a century ago in 1958, originally known as Goldstar. It was founded on the ethos of creating a happier, better life (LG website, n.d.) Since 1958 it has progressed into the digital age through technological development, originally of home appliances such as washing machines and radios. Then in 1995 the company was renamed LG Electronics, acquiring the United States based company Zenith (Ibid.), hence opening up the vast American market. This was followed in 1997 by LG developing the first digital mobile handset and being the first company to be certified for the production of digital television sets. In 1998 the company developed the 60 inch plasma TV followed by a joint venture with Phillips to create LG Phillips LCD (Ibid.) 2002 sees LG export GPRS1 colour mobile phones to Europe and in 2003 achieve monthly export volume of 2.5 million units. By 2005 LG had become the fourth largest supplier of mobile handsets worldwide; plus the firm was the pioneer of notebook computers (LG website, n.d.) 2008 sees the company launch a new global identity: â€Å"stylish design and smart technology, in products that fit our consumers’ lives† (LG website, n.d.). In 2009 LG becomes the third largest supplier of mobile phone handsets worldwide, and 2010 saw the company launch the world’s first 3D LED TV. According to their website LG brand identity focuses on self expression and a promise of satisfaction to its customers; using the phrase â€Å"delightfully smart† as its strapline. The LG logo itself is said by the company to represent a circle around the customer epitomising the corporate value of establishing a lasting relationship with and achieving highest satisfaction for customers. This is the basis of relationship marketing and is key to attracting and retaining customers in a world where consumers are bombarded with sales messages. Market segmentation As Drucker neatly put it, â€Å"the purpose of business is to create customers† (Swaim, 2010, p.14) and to do this requires looking from outside the company from the customer’s point of view and answering questions about market segmentation, including â€Å"what does the customer buy† and â€Å"what is value to the customer†? Samsung and LG market segmentation Information to guide segmentation can be collected through carefully planned market research; and the analysis of questionnaire surveys. Here are some market segments that will be most relevant to the fitness monitor market: Students tend to be the most technology-literate and represent a well defined segment in terms of the early adoption and use of new technologies. They also assist in promoting and recommending products through the social media methods; plus can be helpful in co-production and the development of the product. The importance of the use of social networking sites (SNS) in the consumer buying process must not be underestimated; seeking opinion from other consumers is now a pre-requisite of the purchase decision-making process. Interbrand (2012) suggests this may always have been the case but a feature of the past few years is the increase in the speed with which opinions and consumer influence can be spread. Nielsen (2010) discovered that most internet users seek out reviews and consider the brand recommendations of fellow consumers before finally deciding on a purchase (Figure 2). The graph illustrates that recommendations from friends and family are the main source of information most trusted. A key factor to note here, however, is that official brand websites can be as influential as online consumer opinions but they have to be more than just promotional messages. In comparison, advertising in newspapers and on radio and TV are less trusted by consumers. Figure 2 – Percentage of consumers who have trust in different forms of advertising Source: Nielsen, 2010 Young professionals are another market segment for these types of products; the main difference with the student sector is the considerably higher income and hence greater willingness to spend more on the product. This group is arguably carrying on the great tradition of early adopters too; the UK market has always been at the forefront of adopting new technology, including broadband, digital TV and Smartphone take-up (Ofcom, 2010). Wireless technologies such as these fitness monitors have been no exception with the digital age being fully embraced by the early adopters in the UK as soon as the new products have been released by the major manufacturers including Samsung and LG. There is a third key market segment for fitness monitors revealed by research evidence and that is young women who tend to be more interested in health and using exercise as a way to keep slim as much as keeping fit (Clohessy, 2014). The functionality of the new generation of fitness monitors includes features such as the number of calories being burnt off as exercise progresses, with different consumption rates depending on the type and intensity of activity. These last two market segments also have the advantage of containing a greater proportion of working people who are consequently much less influenced by the absolute price of the product. They are also proactive Twitter and Facebook users and contributors, reading reviews and providing comment as part of the consumer decision-making process. Marketing mix The marketing mix, or four Ps (product, price, promotion and place) is a tool integral to the development of marketing strategy; the specific tactics for the major parameters of the product or service can be defined. In more recent literature, the marketing mix has been expanded to include the seven Ps (Kotler, 2012,) encompassing more elements as shown below in Figure 3. The basic four mix elements remain but are joined by the new criteria of ‘people’, ‘physical evidence’ or ‘environment’, and ‘process’; these are considered by some to better describe the marketplace influences. Kotler (2012.p.31) describes it as: ‘holistic marketing’ which â€Å"recognizes and reconciles the scope and complexities of marketing activities†. Figure 3 – the seven Ps of the Marketing Mix Source: Kotler, 2012 However, this report will be concentrating on the four core marketing mix elements of product, price, promotion and place. Samsung marketing mix In the case of Samsung, the tactics adopted to satisfy some of the marketing mix elements might be considered to be: Product – The Samsung fitness monitor is called ‘Gear Fit’ (Figure 4) and is designed for the wrist; it has a curved display and several apps including a built-in heart rate monitor and work out management system. Promotion – Celebrity endorsement is not a new concept and has a long history dating back to the early 1900s. For example, according to Ketcham (2001), Buffalo Bill Cody was pictured on a trade card and supplied a testimonial for the back of the card, in which he praised the benefits of Kickapoo Indian Oil. Another trade card depicted the image and name of Sarah Bernhardt, connecting her with Carters Liver Bitters (Ibid.) Samsung has already successfully used celebrity endorsement to promote its products, using the sportsmen and women at the Sochi Winter Olympics (Samsung, n.d.) This philosophy can be extended to engage the younger sports-oriented consumer, with the careful selection of sports stars providing a strong enticement for consumers to try the product. It might be a footballer or tennis player, perhaps connected with a major sporting event. Price – If a premium price is to be charged for the product, Samsung needs to provide a strong competitive advantage for the Gear Fit over the competition, particularly LG. A good way of securing willingness to pay a higher price for a product is to add value through additional features or extra services. Samsung is well regarded for its innovative products and is number one in the smart phone market currently. This kudos will most probably rub off onto the fitness monitor too provided the right approach is adopted in terms of engaging the consumer through the social media focusing on Facebook and Twitter. Place – With its domination of the Smartphone and tablet computer markets, Samsung will be able to exploit not only its on-line presence for sales of the Gear Fit monitors but also capitalize on the goodwill and very strong presence in the high street. All the mobile phone network companies will be keen to stock the innovative Samsung products including fitness monitors, as will the supermarkets and electronics stores. Samsung already produces medical monitoring equipment for the hospitals and clinics; this fitness monitor could be added to the product range for healthcare too. LG marketing mix The marketing mix tactics adopted by LG could conceivably include: Product – In terms of the fitness monitor, LG has developed a couple of complementary products; the Lifeband wristband (Figure 5), with a touch screen; and the heart rate earphone monitor. The Lifeband plays music, receives calls and texts, has a three axis accelerometer and altimeter for recording exercise effort, and can track the route of the wearer using a Smartphone app. Promotion – aligning a brand with major events to create and maintain an identifiable profile is central to the promotion strand of the marketing mix. The natural target events for the promotion of the Life band will include the London Marathon and the Great North Run; monitoring the heart rate during a marathon event assists with pacing and avoids straining the heart (Sinha, 2014). Price – maintaining a premium pricing policy would be possible with such an expanding market, but LG needs to ensure the consumer is willing to continue to pay that premium through constant product enhancements such as the music functionality and GPS capability. These enhancements need to be communicated and discussed with consumers through engagement through social media hopefully developing that relationship with the customer central to the LG ethos, as depicted in the encircling logo. Place –Apart from the company website there must be considerable scope for collaborating with franchise/nationwide gyms; and exercise equipment companies to promote the LG Life band. There will also be increasing potential in tendering for Clinical Commissioning Group contracts for Telehealth2 and telecare 3 products; the wearable fitness monitor providing a cost-effective and simple to use way for patients to monitor their own condition and feel more in control of their health. Conclusions * Both Samsung and LG Electronics have identified the fitness monitor market as a potential area for considerable growth over the new few years. * They have both developed attractive products to promote to the particular market segments highlighted in this report, including students, women interested in staying fit through calorie counting as well as exercise, and young professionals. * Pinkse and Slade (2004) remind us that competition is greatest amongst brands that are most similar and it seems that these two large Korean electronics firms need to distinguish themselves from the other in order to create a unique selling proposition (USP) for their product(s) and to generate a desire for the product and organisations. Recommendations 1. It would be beneficial to take a longer term view of demographic trends, particularly in view of the ageing demographic, to predict any change in the potential market for fitness monitors. Such information is supplied by the Office for National Statistics Census 2011 data and population projections (ONS 2011). 2. Exploiting the potential of social media to promote the brand identity through taking advantage of the buzz around the social side of fitness and exercise; which exists particularly amongst younger target market segments. 3. Celebrity endorsement is a really effective way to promote products that are the subject of culture and desire, particularly amongst the youth and young adult market. Samsung used sports men and women at the Sochi Winter Olympics to promote their products (Samsung, n.d.); perhaps they can continue this and maybe LG could find their own set of celebrity endorsers for their products? 4. However, considering the increasing life expectancy combined with the ageing demographic (a greater percentage of the population being aged over 55, 65 and particularly 75 there is a considerable untapped market for promoting fitness monitors to this group of consumers. The lengthier retirement periods experienced by many people nowadays provide considerable potential for promoting a regular exercise regime to be built into their daily routine. The fitness monitor is well suited as an aid to a healthier old age as it is simple to use, portable and wearable, and can be promoted as positively reducing the likelihood of long term illness or disability. This is backed up by the evidence that highlights regular physical activity as the single most important lifestyle behaviour change for keeping healthy (Colberg et al, 2010) preventing type 2 diabetes, reducing high blood pressure and vastly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and increased mortality. 5. Pursuing the fitness monitor market and expanding it into the Telehealth sector will have considerable potential too as the NHS and healthcare professionals are increasingly encouraging people with long term conditions to be more proactive about self-care and management. The Department of Health (2011) estimates there are around 15 million people in the UK with long term conditions; and that as many as 80% of these people could be supported to manage their own condition including though the use of effective self-monitoring. Not only will this reduce pressure and costs on NHS services, including keeping people out of hospital; but there is evidence that outcomes for patients are improved too with people more confident and experiencing a better quality of life (Challis, 2010). Word count = 3,093 References Colberg, S., Sigal, R., Fernhall, B., Regensteiner, J., Blissmer, B., Rubin, R., Chasan-Taber, L., Albright, A. Braun, B. 2010. Exercise and Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care;Dec. 2010; 33(12) pp.147-167. Cambridge Business Dictionary. N.d. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 11/10/2014]. Challis, D., Hughes, J., Berzins, K., Reilly, S., Abell, J., Stewart, K. 2010. Self care and case management in long term conditions: the effective management of critical interfaces. London: HMSO. Clohessy, K. 2014. The best heart rate monitor for weight loss. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 13/10/2014. Department of Health. 2011. Ten things you need to know about long term conditions. London: Department of Health. Fournier, S. Avery, J. (2010) The Uninvited Brand. Boston: Boston University. Interbrand. 2012. Branding in the post-digital world. London: Interbrand. Ketcham, S. (2001) Celebrity Endorsements are a thing of the past (and Present) [on-line]. Available from: [Accessed 11/10/2014]. Kotler P. et al. 2012. Marketing Management (2nd Ed). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Kramer, M. 2011. Corporate Social Responsibility vs. Corporate Social Value – what’s the difference? [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 12/10/2014]. LG website [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 11/10/2014] Nielsen. (2009) Global advertising consumers trust real friends and virtual strangers the most. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 11/10/2014]. Ofcom. 2010. UK consumers revealed as early adopters of new technologies. [Online] Available @ [Accessed 12/10/2014]. Office for National Statistics (ONS). 2011. 2010-based national population projections. [On-line]. Available through ONS website @ [Accessed 09/10/2014]. Pinkse, J. Slade, M. (2004). Mergers, brand competition and the price of a pint. European Economic Review: 48 (2004) 617-643. Roy, S. 2013. Corporate shared value – the new competitive advantage. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 12/10/2014]. Royal College of Nursing website. N.d. Telehealth and telecare. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 11/10/2014]. Samsung. 2013. Samsung Electronics Annual Report. Suwon: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung website [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 09/10/2014] Sinha, A. 2014. Heart Monitor Training. [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 13/10/2014] Swaim, R. 2010. The Strategic Drucker: Growth Strategies and Marketing Insights from the works of Peter Drucker. Singapore: John Wiley Sons. The King’s Fund. 2013. Transforming our healthcare system: Ten priorities for commissioners. London: The King’s Fund. Vecchione, A. 2012. Health monitoring devices market outpaces Telehealth. Information Week [On-line] Available @ [Accessed 11/10/2014]. 1 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology enabling phones to transfer data quickly, whilst still allowing telephone calls to be made. 2 Telehealth (or telemedicine) is defined as the remote monitoring of physiological functions including blood pressure, temperature and blood sugar levels, particularly as an aid to the self-management of long term conditions by patients in their own homes (Source: RCN website, n.d.) 3 Telecare covers a number of systems of sensors and alarms which monitor the safety of the living environment enabling people to remain living at home who otherwise would require care in a community hospital or care home. Examples of telecare devices include fall detectors, personal alarms, flood detectors and extreme temperature detectors (Source: RCN website, n.d.)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Tale Of Two Cites :: essays research papers

A Tale Of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities Throughout the novel A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens creates suspense and mystery to try to keep his readers interested. This technique might have worked for 19th century people with nothing better to read, but it doesn’t stack up nowadays. You can paint this anyway you want but what it all comes down to is that no 20th century person with any kind of attention span wants to read a 400 page book with one dimensional characters and an unbelievable storyline. But, Dickens’s original audience couldn’t get enough of the novel’s intricate plot filled with suspense and mystery. To get the novel this suspense and mystery, Dickens’s divides his story into episodes, allows his characters to be general, and uses the theme of doubles. The most obviously way that Dickens’s creates suspense is through his use of cliffhanger-like episodes. I can’t exactly call it clever, but Dickens’s ends a chapter with unanswered questions and loose ends. This little scheme might work for television shows in which the viewer has a whole week between episodes to think about possible outcomes, but it doesn’t have the same effect when it only takes half of a second to turn the page and read further. Dickens tries to create mystery by having his characters as broad as possible so that readers can make up their own opinions and possibilities. Almost all of Dickens’s characters are basically good or basically evil. We are supposed to care about the "good" characters but they’re so boring that their "goodness" loses it’s charm. For example, Lucie and Charles. Lucie is describes as being basically perfect in every way. She’s young, wholesome, and beautiful, of course. There’s no such thing as a good woman that wasn’t beautiful in fiction. Charles is a rich aristocrat, and we’re supposed to believe that he’s good and really noble because he didn’t want to kill people and he married the other "good" character. Please. Do you think that Charles would have given Lucie a chance is she looked like the rest of us even though she was so good-hearted? Of course not, but that’s what we are supposed to believe. Lucie and Charles are so stereotyped and boring that Dickens’s should have named them "Snore" and "Snooze." Dickens’s under developed characters lets readers wonder about what they are really like and what they’ll do next.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cuban Culture

Cuban culture is known to be very expressive and vivid, because it inherited the mixture of Spanish and African cultures. Therefore Cuban culture is sometimes referred to as â€Å"melting point† of cultures. Firstly it is necessary to underline that interactions between parents and children are really special, because the family is the most important in their lives and very often several generations are living together in the same house. It is partly to economic situation and traditions. Therefore interactions in the family are friendly and open.Children display respect to elder generations as well as for teachers in schools. Nevertheless, it is common for them to refer to teachers by their first names. They use â€Å"Senor† only when addressing a foreigner with a higher social rank. (Cultural Information 2006) Concerning communications styles it is known that Cubans prefer to stand very close in informal situations, especially in line-up or crowd. However, in formal si tuations they tend to keep a distance of approximately two feet. Cubans are fond of eye contact considering it a sign of sincerity.It is apparent that Cubans communicate making lots of gestures and they are able to maintain the communication process even without speaking. The most popular nonverbal gestures used are wrinkling nose asking in such a way â€Å"What did you just say? † and pointing a index finger meaning â€Å"I am referring to a person of color†. Actually it is very important to learn all the gestures and their meanings. (Cultural Information 2006) Cubans always use gestures as well as facial expression to emphasize and to illustrate something. Especially they speak in a very loud voice. Their emotions are displayed in an open manner and in public.Display of affection is accepted whereas display of anger and negative emotions in public is considered negative behavior and is strongly criticized. Exaggerated manners are a part of Cuban culture; however it i s not accepted as good social pattern of behavior. Cubans tend to be very expressive. Concerning nonverbal communication it is necessary also to mention shaking hands with both women and men and giving a kiss. (Cultural Information 2006) Cubans’ communication style is very loud and direct compared with used in USA, England, Canada and other countries, but such style is not offensive.In such a way Cuban express their personality. Often Cuban may refer to even to unknown people with affectionate phrases such as â€Å"sweetheart† (mi amor). Light-hearted humor is appreciated, whereas sarcasm is not. Cubans are known for their sense of humor and very often their jokes refer to social and political situations in the country. Nevertheless, they won’t discuss government with unknown people, because their socialism system doesn’t allow freedom of expressions and they are afraid of becoming enemies of the government. (Cultural Information 2006)Cubans prefer to dre ss more informally compared with other states in Latin America because of scarcity of imported clothing. For example, men rarely wear formal suits. Nevertheless, if the occasion is formal they will wear guayabera (an elegant embroidered shirt for tropical hot weather). Women usually wear skimpy and close-fitting clothing which is not seen in USA. Cuban dress is informal, although it is always neat, ironed and tucked in as most Cubans are neat persons. It is necessary to underline that â€Å"women are respected as professionals, but other than that roles are fairly traditional†.Usually women are doing housework taking care of their children whereas men are relaxing watching TV after the ending of the working day. Concerning sexuality, the atmosphere is liberal and no taboos are applied. It is known that sexual harassments common and not considered serious problem compared with USA and European countries. (Cultural Information 2006) Earlier class differences were apparent and w ealthy were employing the servants. After the revolution the situation changed; property and wealth were redistributed. Nevertheless, nowadays due to economic reforms the slight difference is creeping back into society.The majority of population is considered mulatto i. e. mixed race inherited Spanish and African traits. Race discrimination is prohibited by the law, although â€Å"lingers somewhat in unconscious attitudes and prejudices†. Workplaces are heterogeneous and Cubans are aware of the underlying attitudes. (Cultural Information 2006) The main Cuban religion is Afro-Cuban or Santeria. Cubans worship African gods being identified with a Catholic saint. It is interesting that all religious rituals are expensive and elaborate; they involve even making offerings to the god.However, growth in evangelical and protestant religions is slight. Cubans government doesn’t recognize religious holidays except Christmas. The most important holiday is Mother’s Day and it is accepted to present cards, flowers and small gifts to all the mothers. It is strong evidence that family is the most important for all Cubans. (Cultural Information 2006) It is noted that Cubans don’t have any serious food prohibitions, typically they prefer fried sliced banana, beans and rice, boiled Yucca plant, garlic marinades and different rice dishes.Usually meat is v with a marinade creola style. Cubans are fond of sweet desserts such as yucca crullers in anise-flavoured syrup and guava marmalade with yellow cheese slices. After eating they dance till daybreak and drink rum. In conclusion it is necessary to outline that it is important to establish personal warm and friendly relations with Cubans, because their country is considered politically a very controversial place. Cubans have to know what motivates a person, who he/she is. It is possible to explain personal interest in communicating and display friendliness.Only the Cubans will trust a person and enter in to relations. Actually, it is favorable to talk about family as puts people at ease and provides common ground. It is apparent that Cubans are friendly and expressive people; they won’t hurt anybody without serious reason. They treat people the same way they are treated. Cuban culture in general is a very interesting example for discussion as it combines many cultural heritages. (Cultural Information 2006) References â€Å"Cultural Information: Cuba†. (2006, June 14). Retrieved October, 3, from http://www. intercultures. ca

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Dark Knight Review First Draft Essay Example

The Dark Knight Review First Draft Essay Example The Dark Knight Review First Draft Essay The Dark Knight Review First Draft Essay What comes to mind when you hear the word Batman? A dark figure looming in Gothams alleys? Adam West and Burt Ward Whamming and Powing their enemies? Or possibly one of the greatest films of the decade? Its fair to say that since the 70s,the original comic character Batman has changed( maybe develop this point), reincarnated with many different looks, and the outcome in my opinion is too camp or too dark. In his latest film, the director Christopher Nolan, seems to have the balance just right in The Dark Knight.( try to vary the opening of sentences) The film starts as a heist movie, a bank raid masterminded by the Joker (Heath Ledger), which is apposite as Heath Ledger steals every scene that hes in. Christian Bale also does a great performance (can you improve expression here)as Batman/ Bruce Wayne. However it seems that one of the reasons for Heath Ledger being hailed as the star is the contrast between the Joker and Batman that he brings to the role. Batman is very dark and serious (some might say, boring) and in a way that makes him boring; the Joker however is just insane, with his purple suit and constantly changing stories about how he got his scars. (Amoral and psychopathic , he explains ) and he evens mentions in the film how he will just commit homicide for no reason at all and that he just does things. He is, in terms of the 9/11 analogy, not just a terrorist but worse, an anarchist who just kills and destroys for fun. He is very creepy and completely mesmerising. The film also features Harvey Dent played wonderfully by Aaron Eckhart who is Gothams clean-cut DA who believes in justice and makes a stand against the mob and corruption; surprisingly enough there are a lot of attempts to kill him by the Joker. There is a (The clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d love triangleis guaranteed to win approval from sections of the audience) love triangle in the film between Batman, Rachel (Maggie Gyllenhall) and Harvey Dent. Rachel is Bruces oldest friend and she knows that he is Batman, but she feels that Gotham will always need Batman and so that is why she chooses Harvey over Bruce. (comment on her moral stance. Is it convincing?) Gary Oldman (stars in the film) delete? as Jim Gordon, head of Gotham police department, clashes with Harvey Dent as they both have different ways of handling criminals. Jim Gordon is literally law and Harvey Dent is literally Order. The Dark Knight is a Batman morality tale turned up to 11- exploring the nature and corruption of power, the organization of society in crisis, individual freedom versus collective security, and (most interestingly of all), its allusions to the Roman Empire. If Harvey Dent is a Caesar figure, then the Joker is Caligula. ( The semi-colon is not used to introduce a list. It allows you to add a new sentence related to your first without separation by a full stop.) Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are also in the film (it really is a star studded cast), Michael Caine plays Alfred Bruces Butler, best friend and assistant. ( The inclusion of Michael Caine alongside Morgan Freeman in this star studded cast allows Hollywood to emphasise Alfreds Englishness. One of the greatest British actors of the last thirty years, his iconic London accent will surely intrigue an American audience)It seems that Hollywood really wanted to emphasize that Alfred was English and so they chose one of the greatest actors of all time with a very thick London accent, (in case youre wondering Danny Dyer was not second choice for the role), he is probably the best Alfred compared to other actors who have taken on the role before.(if this is your opinion then be more assertive. Reviewers generally are.) Morgan Freeman plays (as)Lucius (avoid repetition of verbs like plays)Fox the man who essentially runs Wayne Enterprises and is one of Bruces many friends; he also has the v ery exciting job that all boys dream of being (doing/achieving) when they are grown up: the creator of Batmans gadgets and weapons. The film explores many themes: batman represents hope; he is incorruptible. Harvey Dent symbolises fate or chance.; Rachel symbolises love as all the males fall for her and loyalty is .. The film (explores)(has) many themes( in it) and it is almost as if with each character representing represents on of those themes, Batman for hope, as he is incorruptible; Harvey Dent for chance, as he carries around a coin with him to help him make decisions; Rachel for love as it seems Batman, Harvey Dent and even the Joker have all taken a fall for her; Alfred stands for loyalty as he has served Bruce Wayne since he was a child and raised him when his parents were dead; the world would be a much better place if everyone were like Alfred! The special effects in the film are very impressive. One of the more breath taking examples is Two Face who is half man, half burns. Half of his face is that of Harvey Dent, the other half is severe burns. This signifies goes with the 50:50, chance, toss a coin theme of Harvey Dent; in fact Two Face uses the same coin to decide whether to kill someone or not. There is also a contrast made between Harvey Dent and Batman as they are both fighting the same enemy, Harvey Dent does this in court and Batman does this in the streets. However Batman is less a person, more an idea of the upholding of the law. ( This used to be fine but) delete? Christopher Nolan suggests that the citizens are restless and the heroes need to come from within society not those conspicuously outside it, (9/11 heroes were the firemen and police officers of New York), and in fact the film is full of images that mirror the havoc after 9/11. One other contrast made in the film is that between the Joker and Batman; at first you may think that they are total opposites but then you find that actually they are both similar. They are outcasts, freaks as the Joker says (in the film) to Batman When they dont need you any more theyll hunt you down. In addition Bruce Wayne and Batman are total opposites; Batman is a vigilante who dedicates his life to fighting for good, and Bruce Wayne on the other hand is a wooden, envious, charisma free pompous businessman. The Dark Knight is more of a hero movie than a superhero movie, as in it is far more realistic; Batman cant fly or shoot web out of his hands but he can make things explode! But this isnt just (can you improve expression here) with the Dark Knight. Batman has always been an outcast to over ? superheroes as there is in fact nothing super about him; he is just up to his neck in gadgets. If all the superheroes went to school together Batman would be the one sitting alone at lunch, while Spiderman and Superman sat at the table with the popular kids. Also other films released recently have had a big (significant) effect on how it was directed, for example the action in Bourne films are (is) very similar to the action in the Dark Knight,( but it is not a bad thing.. can you improve expression here) it is not uncommon to hear a gasp while you are watching the scene where a Juggernaut does a front flip or where a whole building is blown up. The question of individual freedom versus collective security (a question thrown up by 9/11) is brought into case, when BatmanBruce Wayne invents a device which can monitor everyone in the city using their phones. It was created with the intent of finding the Joker and stopping him from claiming anymore lives; the only person who can operate it however is Lucius Fox, who feels that there is something morally wrong with it. He chooses to use it only once and then he makes Batman promise to destroy it; he agrees. This is also (reminiscent of ancient Rome)similar to the Caesar idea. When the enemies were at their gates, the Romans would choose one man to have power over them so that they could defeat their enemies; they had to give up freedom and democracy to survive and when the battle was won that one man would go back to his previous position. However the last man that the Romans chose used the power they had given him to rule over them. His name was Caesar. This was what Lucius was worried would happen to Batman if he kept that device. A phrase, which is often used in the film, is You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. In fifty years time, there will have been countless incarnations of Batman. Some will be good some will be bad, some will feature Robin, some without him; well see familiar faces of villains and well also see some new evildoers. But one thing is certain! (about these films. delete?) None will be as good as The Dark Knight.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Tragic Life, Murder Case of Dr. Sam Sheppard

The Tragic Life, Murder Case of Dr. Sam Sheppard Marilyn Sheppard was brutally murdered while her husband, Dr. Sam Sheppard, slept downstairs. Dr. Sheppard was sentenced to life in prison for the murder. He was eventually freed from prison, but the scars of the injustices he had to endure were permanent. Attorney F. Lee Bailey fought for Sheppards freedom, and won. Sam and Marilyn Sheppard Sam Sheppard was voted the man Most Likely to Succeed by his senior high school class. He was athletic, smart, good looking, and came from a good family. Marilyn Sheppard was attractive, with hazel eyes and long brown hair. The two began dating while in high school and eventually married after Sam graduated from the Los Angeles Osteopathic School of Physicians in September 1945. After he had graduated from medical school, Sam continued his studies and received his Doctor of Osteopathy degree. He went to work at the Los Angeles County Hospital. His father, Dr. Richard Sheppard, and his two older brothers Richard and Stephen also doctors, were running a family hospital and convinced Sam to return to Ohio in the summer of 1951 to work in the family practice. By this point, the young couple had a four-year-old son, Samuel Reese Sheppard (Chip), and with a loan from Sams father, they purchased their first home. The home sat on a high cliff overlooking Lake Erie shore in Bay Village, a semi-elite suburb of Cleveland. Marilyn settled into the life of being married to a physician. She was a mother, homemaker, and taught Bible classes at their Methodist Church. A Marriage in Trouble The couple, both sports enthusiasts, spent their leisure time playing golf, water skiing, and having friends over for parties. To most, Sam and Marilyns marriage seemed free of problems, but in truth, the marriage was suffering due to Sams infidelities. Marilyn knew about Sams affair with a former Bay View nurse named Susan Hayes. According to Sam Sheppard, although the couple experienced problems, divorce was never discussed as they worked to revitalize their marriage. Then tragedy struck. A Bushy Haired Intruder On the night of July 4, 1954, Marilyn, who was four months pregnant, and Sam entertained neighbors until midnight. After the neighbors left, Sam fell asleep on the couch and Marilyn went to bed. According to Sam Sheppard, he was awakened by what he thought was his wife calling his name. He ran to their bedroom and saw someone who he described later as a bushy haired man fighting with his wife but was immediately struck on the head, rendering him unconscious. When Sheppard awoke, he checked the pulse of his blood-covered wife and determined she was dead. He then went to check on his son and found him unharmed. Hearing noises coming from downstairs, he ran down and discovered the back door open. He ran outside and could see someone moving toward the lake and as he caught up with him, the two began to fight. Sheppard was struck again and lost consciousness. For months, Sam would describe what happened over and over- but few believed him. Sam Sheppard Is Arrested Sam Sheppard was arrested for the murder of his wife on July 29, 1954. On Dec. 21, 1954, he was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. A pre-trial media blitz, a biased judge, and police that focused only on one suspect, Sam Sheppard, resulted in a wrongful conviction that would take years to overturn. Soon after the trial, Sams mother committed suicide on Jan. 7, 1955. Within two weeks, Sams father was dead from a gastric ulcer that hemorrhaged. F. Lee Bailey Fights for Sheppard After the death of Sheppards lawyer, F. Lee Bailey was hired by the family to take over Sams appeals. On July 16, 1964, Judge Weinman freed Sheppard after finding five violations of Sheppards constitutional rights during his trial. The judge said the trial was a mockery of justice. While in prison, Sheppard corresponded with Ariane Tebbenjohanns, a wealthy and beautiful blond woman from Germany. The two married the day after his release from prison. Back to Court In May 1965, a federal appeals court voted to reinstate his conviction. On Nov. 1, 1966, a second trial began, but this time with special attention given to ensuring that Sheppards constitutional rights were protected. After 16 days of testimony, the jury found Sam Sheppard not guilty. Once free, Sam returned to work in medicine, but he also started drinking heavily and using drugs. His life quickly dissolved when he was sued for malpractice after one of his patients died. In 1968, Ariane divorced him and said he had stolen money from her, threatened her physically, and was abusing alcohol and drugs. A Life Lost For a short time, Sheppard got into the world of pro wrestling. He used his neurological background to promote a nerve hold he used in competition. In 1969, he married his wrestling managers 20-year-old daughter- although records of the marriage have never been located. On April 6, 1970, Sam Sheppard died of liver failure as a result of heavy drinking. At the time of his death, he was an insolvent and broken man. His son, Samuel Reese Sheppard (Chip), has devoted his life to clearing his fathers name.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetoric & Stereotypes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rhetoric & Stereotypes - Research Paper Example Efforts are being done in many countries to remove the stereotyping of different groups in this society. Stereotyping varies to every class in the society but here in this essay the four types of groups which would be emphasized are Politicians, tattooed persons, feminists and senior citizens. The tattooed individuals in this world are one set of groups which is stereotyped as per a single notion. These individuals usually have tattoos signed up on their body which can either be huge or small. But these individuals are stereotyped as per these tattoos. Usually it is thought that these individuals relate to people who are rockers, punks, brats, criminal or a person who has loose morals. The feminists on the other hand are women who consider themselves equal or superior to men. This set of individual argues for the rights of women in this world. These women are stereotyped on the basis of their behavior i.e. their hatred for the opposite sex. Because of this hatred these women are usua lly labeled as lesbians and chauvinists. Thirdly the politicians are one group of people which can be said to be stereotyped the most. The politicians are one group of people which is thought to be a con group which makes false promises to make up their way to the leading position. Moreover these politicians are known to be a group which excels in cheating and corruption. And lastly senior citizens are a group of individuals who are old and knowledgeable. This group of people is known to be stubborn and inefficient when it comes to completing tasks. These individuals are considered to be weak and not worthy enough to do some work. All these groups mentioned above do not tend to pose the same picture in the society as different stereotypes are developed according to different way of thoughts. The tattooed individuals tend to pose a negative stereotype usually. The feminists can pose both a negative and a positive stereotype. The positive stereotype created by them is related to equal ity which is long deserved by women. Politicians can also pose a negative and positive stereotype. It is dependent on the individual attributes that the politician possesses to make up the stereotype. Politicians are mostly considered as corrupt because of the views of the general population. The honest politicians are being stereotyped because of their corrupt counterparts. This creates a stereotyping image of the politicians in the minds of the general population which is true to a certain extent. And senior citizens can also show both stereotypes. Negative in the sense that these citizens are usually hot headed and do not tend to listen to others. Whereas positive in the sense in which these citizens can provide knowledge in areas of which they know better than the younger individuals of the society. Both the negatives and positive stereotyping of the senior citizens are also true as some of the senior citizens are found to be getting irritated very soon. Some senior citizens on the other hand are cool minded and tend to inform the audience about their past and history. The historic stereotyping of women was based on portraying this gender as weak, shy, beautiful, caring, sensitive and quiet individuals. They were shown as beauty objects with high respect. Most of the pictures used for advertisements were of plain, expressionless faces with graceful but least exposing dressing. Those advertisements were based on the idea that women are objects that must be looked at but not listened to. However,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bible - Essay Example De Duve (2005) proposed that "Science is based on the postulate that the universe obeys natural laws and is intelligible within the framework of those laws," and this belief is commonly shared by an ever-increasing global populace encompassing both theists and atheists, natural scientists and non-scientists alike. In fact, while pseudo and legitimate religious groups grow in wide diversity from New Age to Panentheism, the Christian belief of God and the Savior remains one of the most enthralling religious wonders of our time. Humbling and altogether enlightening when deeply understood. Thomas Aquinas summed up the answer for the question "Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us" when he wrote: It can be considered in a twofold way: in the first place, as a remedy for sin, and secondly, as an example of how to act." Aquinas argued that "in the face of all the evils which we incur on account of our sins, we have found relief through the passion of Christ. Yet, it is no less an example, for the passion of Christ completely suffices to fashion our lives. Whoever wishes to live perfectly should do nothing but disdain what Christ disdained on the cross and desire what he desired, for the cross exemplifies every virtue." He added that "If you seek the example of love: Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down his life for his friends (New Testament). Such a man was Christ on the cross. And if he gave his life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for his sake." Together with the virtue of love, Aquinas cited other virtues represented on the man and the cross: patience for enduring the pain, sorrow and suffering, humility for allowing himself to be judged by the angry mob and Pontius Pilate, obedience to the will of His Father, and immateriality. Finney (1851) in his argument presented 24 reasons why Jesus had to suffer on the cross but this discussion shall present only those which conveys governmental underpinning as: First, he reasoned, is due to God's great and all-encompassing love quoting John (New Testament) "God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life" (John 3:16). Second, "His great love to the universe at large [] inasmuch as it was impossible that the atonement should not exert an amazing influence over moral beings [e.g., angels]" Third, "That an infinite amount of suffering might be prevented. The relation of Christ to the universe rendered his sufferings so infinitely valuable and influential, as an expression of God's abhorrence of sin on the one hand, and his great love to his subjects on the otherAs a governmental expedient it is easy to see the great value of such a substitute; that on the one hand it fully evinced t he determination of the ruler not to yield the authority of his law, and on the other, to evince his great and disinterested love for his rebellious subjects." In this argument, Finney (1851) quoted the